Friday 14 July 2017

Weighted Abs!

I try to strengthen my core with every exercise I do in order to fully reach my potential. I find weighted abs for me are a must as my core tightens and contracts for an optimum training experience.
This is what I do most days:
  • Exercise 1: Sit-Ups.
  • Exercise 2: Leg Raises.
  • Exercise 3: Lying Leg Raise+Crunch.
  • Exercise 4: Knee-Ins.
  • Exercise 5: Toe Touches.
  • Exercise 6: Crunches.
  • Exercise 7: Reverse Crunch

Great for men and women to try of course switching it occasionally would help a lot.  


  1. Nice! Sounds like a well rounded ab workout

  2. That video was very motivational! Thank you for the ab routine as well. What's the name for the ab routine done in the video?
