Tuesday 4 July 2017

Does it Matter Where you Train?

This is where I train!
This is where my therapy session occurs every time I step through the doors!
This is where the only thing that matters is loud music and heavy weight!
This is where is matters everywhere to me is garbage!
This is my iron playground!!

Show me where you train, where your fit zone is.
Tell me why you have chosen this place for your iron jungle.


  1. I train at home but I do always ask the question if it matters where you train. I know hardcore fitness people will say it's better to train at a gym but to be honest, I don't feel so comfortable training around people :(

    1. The important part is you stay active and have a healthy life style. Training home or the gym it doesn't matter once you are happy getting fit.

  2. Love this gym. How do you deal with people constantly needing the same machines as you?

    1. Great question! I believe that a gym is like a jungle and for men marking your territory is part of being able to use a machine without persons coming to ask you the most annoying question everyone as to put up with ("How many more sets bro"). For women its similar but the use of charm and charisma comes in handy. :)

  3. In need of a new training place!! What's a good one??

    1. Hi Hi!! Well I'm a bit bias when it comes to where is the best place to train, I would recommend Central Athletic. But if that's to far or you've tried it before and didn't think it was for you, then I also recommend Maraval Fitness Center in Town it's easy access for persons who are working in town and the staff and equipment are great to use. Give it a try for a day and let me know what you think of there amenities and schedule.
