Wednesday 21 June 2017

Personalizing Meal Plan for Men

Goals: Build Lean Muscle to Make your Carnival experience better! 

Note: (always consult a Dietitian or doctor before attempting any meal plan) 

I call this the "clean gains" meal plan. Yes, this one will probably appeal more to males, which is why the calorie and nutrient ratio is designed for a 180-pounder. This diet works best when you eat every 2 to 3 hours and work out 4 to 5 times a week-but not those sissy 15-to-20-rep-range sessions. 

Do you want YOUR body to be muscle mag material?
Image result for carnival body male
Here's a note for women: Don't be afraid to try this meal plan! If you've been working out for a while, doing mostly cardio, don't you think it's time to push your physique to the next level? The hottest bodies out there weren't crafted on the treadmill but sculpted with iron through weight training. You won't get bulky on a meal plan like this. Granted, you probably won't lose fat, but you'll be able to fuel hardcore workouts and chisel out a toned, shapely physique.
As before, if you weigh more or less than 180 pounds, tailor the calories and nutrients to fit your specific needs. But remember, this meal plan is meant to be slightly more than you need so that your muscles can take that fuel, rebuild, and grow.

Personalizing Meal Plan for Women

Meal plan number One: Note; (always consult a dietitian or doctor before attempting any diet) 
Designed to help your metabolism burn, baby, burn ... like a disco inferno--but a healthy disco inferno that won't rob you of hard-earned muscle tone and leave you stringy or skinny-fat.
But this plan is not just for ladies wanting to turn heads at the beach. Guys, if you're ready to go through a cutting phase, this meal plan can work for you too. Just remember to adjust the meals and calories to fit your needs according to height, current weight, and training intensity.

This meal plan is hardcore awesome because it doesn't just help you burn fat but also fuels your workouts. You should be lifting weights 3 to 5 days a week and also doing 2 to 3 additional cardio sessions-HIIT is recommended. You should be eating every 2 to 3 hours.
The calorie ratio here is appropriate for a person weighing 150 pounds. You'll notice there's a ton of protein, and that's because we want you to preserve lean muscle. Some women might think they can cut out the extra protein in order to lose fat faster-WRONG!

Protein is your key to losing fat and achieving that fit, sexy body like pro-bikini champ Amanda Latona or world-famous cover model and spokes-model Jamie Eason. Plus, protein keeps you fuller longer, making those long dieting days easier to endure.
You can bet your butt that Amanda Latona's bikini body and protein have a strong connection.
You can bet your butt that Amanda Latona's
bikini body and protein have a strong connection.

Friday 16 June 2017

Lets Talk Supplements

Whats your Favorite Supplement?
Do you take any Supplement?

My stack is designed to keep my body lean and active when I'm at the gym and even after, it gives me the fuel I need to stay focused and enjoy that I give 100% every single time.
If you're interested in how this stack works for me leave a comment below with your question and I'll let you know.

International Chest Day!!!

After the 8th rep you will see my spotter finally starting to help me. The journey continues trying to get ripped and grow them muscles, giving that this is my weakest part of my body I would say i did pretty well :D.

Whats your routine for chest?
How often do you do chest?
Whats your favorite Body part to exercise?

My Chest Routine:
Warm up: 25 pound dumbbells incline bench for 25 reps x 2.
Incline Bench: 4 sets starting with 50 pounds 10 short 10 long (Reps) increasing by 10 pounds every sets
Flat Fly: 4 sets starting with 45 dumbbells taking it slowly for full contraction.
Flat Bench Press: 4 Sets starting with 25 on each side for 15 reps finishing off with 2 45 plates on each side for 10 reps.
Cable Cross: 4 sets concentrating  on form both lower and upper pecs.
Push Ups: 4 sets 15 rep

Monday 12 June 2017

Think you can lift heavy weights??

So after six month of not being able to do heavy weights (doctor's orders) I'm officially back at it 😊😊.

Tell me what are your thought of lifting heavy?
Is it worth it?
Are you able to keep Form?